반응형 인터랩비오디1 HACH BOD Polyseed 29187-00 / 하크 비오디 폴리시드 InterLab P110 HACH BOD Polyseed 제품번호 : 29187-00 측정횟수 : 1팩 / 50개입 BOD Seed Inoculum, Polyseed, pk/50 capsules BOD Seed Inoculum for use in Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) test procedures. A blend of specialized microbial cultures in an easy-to-use capsule. Designed to provide a uniform standard for the degradation of both industrial and municipal waste in BOD5 analyses. Package of 50 capsules. International L.. 2024. 3. 14. 이전 1 다음 반응형